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Literature & Fiction(洋書)

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Ancient & Classical Literatureの記事一覧

 69件中1~10件表示  次のページ
Thought and Action in Old English Poetry and Prose (Richard Rawlinson Center for Anglo-saxon Studies)
Eleni Ponirakis
発売日: 2020/06/30
posted by ホンスキー at 2020/08/30 00:00

The Pied Piper of Hamelin (English Edition)

posted by ホンスキー at 2020/06/15 17:55

A Weaver-poet and the Plague: Labor, Poverty, and the Household in Shakespeare’s London (Cultural Inquiries in English Literature 1400-1700)

posted by ホンスキー at 2020/06/15 17:55

Virgil Aeneid: A Selection

posted by ホンスキー at 2020/06/15 17:55

Sophocles - Antigone and Other Tragedies: Antigone, Deianeira, Electra

posted by ホンスキー at 2020/06/15 17:55

Otium: Historisch-semantische Studie Eines Aristokratischen Konzepts in Spaeter Republik Und Fruehem Prinzipat (Untersuchungen Zur Antiken Literatur Und Geschichte)

posted by ホンスキー at 2020/06/15 17:55

Who Am I?: (Mis)Identity and the Polis in Oedipus Tyrannus (Hellenic Studies Series)

posted by ホンスキー at 2020/06/15 17:55

Stephen Esposito
発売日: 2020/05/30
posted by ホンスキー at 2020/05/30 00:00

Roman Comedy (Understanding Classics)
David M. Christenson
発売日: 2020/02/28
posted by ホンスキー at 2020/02/28 00:00

Aristophanes and Greek Comedy (Understanding Classics)
Jeffrey S. Rusten
発売日: 2020/02/28
posted by ホンスキー at 2020/02/28 00:00
 69件中1~10件表示  次のページ

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